Sri Devi Om is a renunciate at heart. Her spiritual journey began when she was 9-10 years old, but life took a different turn, ensuring she enjoyed her worldly life to the fullest. She began spiritual training from Om Swami at the age of 32 and continued for seven years (2012–2019). The mega politics in Swami's many organizations alienated and distanced her from him.
Surrendering to her inner guru, she walked on without a physical guru. Nature's grace, combined with her efforts and dedication to her Truth, resulted in profound spiritual experiences, including a Divine Vision and Yogic Samadhi. Today, she is calm, content, confident, and joyful. She flows with life without any grand plans or even a concrete purpose. By divine grace, she lives in luxury but is a renunciate at heart. To make herself useful, she shares everything she has learned via experience in books and blogs.